HL Paper 1
The map shows land use changes that led to the loss of mangrove swamps in selected Southeast Asian countries in 2012.
[Source: Drivers of mangrove loss in Southeast Asia, Daniel R. Richards, Daniel A. Friess, Proceedings of the National
Academy of Sciences Jan 2016, 113 (2) 344ā349; DOI: 10.1073/pnas.1510272113.]
Identify the dominant land use that is replacing mangrove swamps on island A.
Estimate the percentage of mangrove swamp loss caused by urban development B.
Outline one physical factor necessary for the formation of a mangrove swamp.
Explain two environmental consequences of the loss of mangrove swamps in coastal areas such as those shown on the map.
Examine how the importance of wind and waves varies for the development of two or more coastal landforms.
Evaluate strategies designed to manage pollution caused by two or more types of waste materials in the oceans.
Examine the role of sea level changes in the formation of relict cliffs and raised beaches.
Examine the roles of different stakeholders in the management of one coastal margin affected by erosion or flooding.
Examine the positive and negative impacts of La NiƱa events for different parts of the world.
Evaluate the relative importance of vegetation in the development of coastal sand dunes.
The diagram shows the predicted path of Hurricane Irma in August and September 2017.
[Source: From BBC News at bbc.co.uk/news. Data from National Hurricane Center.]
State the direction that Hurricane Irma is predicted to track in the first three days as a hurricane.
Estimate the number of hours it is predicted for Hurricane Irma to track from the Leeward Islands to the eastern tip of the Dominican Republic.
Outline one reason why hurricane activity may increase when ocean temperatures are warmer.
Explain two effects of a hurricane on the physical environment of a coastal margin such as that shown in the diagram.
The pie chart shows the aquaculture production of Asia, by country, in 2016.
Identify the country with the third largest aquaculture production.
Estimate the aquaculture production in China in millions of tonnes.
Outline one environmental problem associated with the growth of aquaculture.
Suggest how sustainable management of ocean fish stocks in low- and middle-income countries may have benefits forĀ local communities.
Suggest how sustainable management of ocean fish stocks in low- and middle-income countries may have benefits for the global environment.
Examine the major threats to coral reef environments.
Examine why conflicts often develop over the commercial use of coastal margins.
Examine why the management of coral reefs and mangrove swamps can become a source of conflict.
Evaluate the success of actions to reduce overfishing.
The table and map show management zones created to control human activities along a nationās coastal margin that includes coral reefs.
[Source: Table: adapted from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Activity Matrix Ā© Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) 2005
Map: adapted from the Great Barrier Reef Marine Park Zoning Plan Ā© Commonwealth of Australia (GBRMPA) 2005]
Identify the least controlled activity in the coastal margin shown on the map.
Estimate the distance, in kilometres, between the Preservation Zone and Cardwell.
Outline one possible physical reason and one possible human reason for the location of the Preservation Zone.
Explain two sovereignty rights that the nation in the map possesses over the area of water shown.
Examine why some hurricanes could have a greater impact than others on coastal margin landscapes.
Examine why conflicting land-use pressures on coastlines can be difficult to resolve.
The map shows the pattern of movement of oil tankers and their chokepoints.
[Source: Bender, J., 2015. These 8 narrow chokepoints are critical to the world’s oil trade, [online] Available at:
https://www.businessinsider.com/worlds-eight-oil-chokepoints-2015-4?r=US&IR=T [Accessed 4 May 2020].
Source adapted.
U.S. Energy Information Administration, 2014. World oil transit chokepoints critical to global energy security [online]
Available at: https://www.eia.gov/todayinenergy/detail.php?id=18991#menu [Accessed 19 July 2021].
Source adapted.]
Identify the chokepoint with the most barrels of oil moved per day.
State the number of millions of barrels of oil moved per day at the Strait of Malacca choke point.
Outline one reason why the ownership of one named ocean area or territory is contested.
Suggest one political challenge and one environmental challenge associated with the movement of oil around the globe by sea.
The map shows part of the south-western coastline of the United Kingdom. The scale of the map is 1:25000 and the contour interval is 5 metres.
[Source: Torquay & Dawlish: Newton Abbot OS Explorer OL44. 1:25000 scale. Ordnance Survey Ltd., 2017
Ā© Crown copyright and database rights (2017) OS 100041139]
State the six-figure grid reference of the Dawlish Warren railway station.
Estimate the distance, in km, between X and Y on the map.
Outline two physical reasons why urban development has not occurred in area A.
Explain two ways in which vegetation contributes to the development of sand dunes in coastal areas such as this.